I am so proud of my husband for all the work her has put into his Master's project. This project was the equivalent of two individual subjects for the semester, that is, half of his work load for this final semester. His final report was 55 pages long; it was the result of what seems like hundreds of hours work.
Jeff chose the topic "To Serve or Not to Serve? A Christian Approach to the Ethics of Voluntary Military Service in the Australian Context". He evaluated the Pacifist stance and Just War tradition from a Biblical perspective. He then dealt in detail with the Australian situation in terms of military capability, deployments of our military since the Vietnam war, and operational commands for military actions under these deployments.
Having worked in the Army for 7 years just prior to meeting me, Jeff has been keenly interested in the ethics of warfare for some time. In 2005, he wrote the longest letter to the editor every published by The Briefing, on the topic of Just War theory and how it was being applied to Australia's involvement in the Iraq War. (He reckons he almost still agrees with what he wrote back then.) Since then, he has wanted an opportunity to dig deeper into the issue. His Master's project was the perfect chance.
So congratulations and well done to my husband, Jeff. I am very proud.
Previews of a Coming Attraction?
16 hours ago
Sounds very, very interesting!
Congratulations, Jeff!
Must feel sooooooo good to have it finished! Congratulations Jeff!
And now he thinks he'd like to explore the issue further in a ThD... oh golly goodness me!!
Yay, Jeff! Yay, Jeff!
I'm sure he and Phil could discuss this together for a long time. :o)
In Him
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