At the end of March next year I will be co-presenting a workshop at the CCOWA Perth Children's Ministry Convention. The topic for the 2009 conference is "Music with Meaning" and it is aimed at those involved in Music or Children's Ministry with their church, school or beach mission. (The 2010 conference will be aimed at parents.) My workshop is titled "Integrating children's music and church music" and I am writing it at the moment, working with another lady who is experienced in the music side of things to supplement my knowledge of and experience with children.
Having noticed that I don't seem to post too much of anything on Tuesdays for some unknown reason, I have decided to post my workshop draft in dribs and drabs over the up-coming "Tuneful Tuesdays" and whoever wants to comment and help me improve the draft before it becomes the final version will be welcome and appreciated for their efforts. So here is the introduction...
Matthew 21:15-16
15 But when the chief priests and the teachers of the law saw the wonderful things he did and the children shouting in the temple area, "Hosanna to the Son of David," they were indignant.
16 "Do you hear what these children are saying?" they asked him.
"Yes," replied Jesus, "have you never read,
" 'From the lips of children and infants
you have ordained praise'?"
This workshop is about making music with the entire congregation:
I) easier for children to participate in with an attitude that honours God; and
II) more understandable and meaningful for children as they participate in worship and are edified.
I. Helping children participate in music with the entire congregation
When children join in with congregational singing, they are joining in with the body of the church in a powerful way. Singing songs with well-chosen lyrics helps the congregation verbally express their thoughts and feelings about God and to God. When children sing along in the presence of adults who are also singing Christian songs, they to learn how to express their own emotions about and towards God in a manner that honours God: in praise, thanksgiving, repentance and yearning. When children are able to sing along with the wider congregation, they learn from experience that they belong to the church as important members along with the adults; they are not merely part of some separate group who happened to come to the church building together.
II. Making congregational music understandable and meaningful
When children join in with congregational singing, they are exposed to words and phrases that enable them to both clarify and express theological thoughts in a clear acknowledgement of Biblical truth. In their use of specifically Christian words, which may not be familiar to them from their Children's Ministry or family's discipleship, they are being given entrance to one part of the Christian Life, that of using words to relate and respond to God Himself. When well understood, these words can later be used by the child in the context of spoken prayer and discussion, and need not be restricted to their use in song. Of course, this is only true insofar as the words are either explained or used in the lyrics in a way that enables their meaning to be grasped by the children as they sing them.
Next Tuneful Tuesday: Helping children in the congregation sing along with a tune
[Image courtesy of CCOWA.]
Previews of a Coming Attraction?
15 hours ago
Very interesting topic - looking forward to reading more. Has your BSF training been helpful in preparing this?
Hi Kellie,
Yes, there are quite a few things I learnt as a children's leader with regards to the "Hymn Time" and making it more fruitful for the children which I have used and built upon.
And sorry there was no chapter from the Carson book this week. I meant to do one and then I got too caught up in looking at possible rental houses on the internet and chatting to my MIL about the one we're putting an application in for and completely forgot. However, if you're praying through the prayers of Paul as per the last chapter, you can read some of what I have been praying this last fortnight (from Romans) at my other blog. Just click the link at the bottom of the left hand column of this blog to go there.
~ Sharon
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