Joshua: "Anna, Anna, where are you? ...
Anna, why do you look so fiendish?"Perhaps it's because she was interrupted 'reading' her book of Bible Stories for Growing Kids?
Previews of a Coming Attraction?
15 hours ago
As I am equipping my children for the life God planned for them,
God is equipping me for the life He planned for me.
Joshua: "Anna, Anna, where are you? ...
Anna, why do you look so fiendish?"Perhaps it's because she was interrupted 'reading' her book of Bible Stories for Growing Kids?
I wanted to let you know that I appreciated your words of wisdom on Andreas (mom24) blog today.
I too often find that when I am doing great exercising, I stop reading my bible. So when I begin getting back in the word, my eating habits fall off. Etc...never ending cycle.
You are right - being connected to Him is what I need to focus on.
NOw, I LOVED this shot of your daughter. So perfectly captured.
I am glad I found your blog. I have 3 little ones: 5, 3, and 1. WE begin officially homeschooling this fall and are fans of the classical model!
I'll be back!
Thanks for your encouraging words. I'm glad you found my blog and I hope you enjoy what you find here.
~ Sharon
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